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My story

Hi there!
My name is Harsha. I have been in the GMAT space - as a course creator, as an instructor, and as a tutor - for over half a decade. Before venturing out as an independent GMAT Tutor, I served as Director - Subject Matter Expertise at e-GMAT for close to four years.

I am an ex-Chemical Engineer (NIT Trichy) who started his career in Manufacturing. Over the years, I built a fairly decent corporate career as a General-Management professional, one who specializes in setting up, streamlining, and running various business functions (including Recruitment, Customer Experience and Sales). My entry into the GMAT industry was based on a hunch I had - that I might really, really enjoy working here. That hunch turned out to be true.

I believe that, over the past few years, I have developed a good understanding of what it takes to succeed on the GMAT, and how to go about it. Prepsilon Learning is my project.

If you need help with the GMAT, I may be able to help.

Some quick facts about me

Former Director, Subject Matter Expertise (SME), at e-GMAT

Experienced GMAT Instructor (400+ sessions done) and mentor

Tagged and recognized as "Expert" on GMATClub

Question creator and course-builder

Some Testimonials

Explore Offerings

person holding pencil near laptop computerperson holding pencil near laptop computer

Personalized 1-to-1 guidance and tutoring for the GMAT. Explore to know more about my approach, rates, etc.

a white cube with a red arrow on a red backgrounda white cube with a red arrow on a red background
fountain pen on spiral bookfountain pen on spiral book
YouTube Content (Coming Soon)

Check out my YouTube channel. You will find useful content here, including solution videos.

Here, you will find articles on all things GMAT (and test-prep, in general).